Historical Fencing Training
Registration & Schedule
Here at the Houston study group, we always welcome serious-minded students as new members. We currently practice in Bellaire at Ravlin Martial Arts (Tuesdays).
Once per week – Bellaire
Single Session – Bellaire
4 training sessions |
Tuesday 7:00pm – 10:00pm
Tuesday 7:00pm – 10:00pm
(Paypal subscription)
(One-time payment)
If you previously paid for this option, you may use the button below to cancel your subscription.
Note: We are a non-profit ARMA Study Group. We use fees to pay for use of facilities, purchase and maintenance
of training equipment, and hosting training events and demonstrations. Facility fees vary by location.
Training Uniform – New students should come to class wearing a plain white t-shirt (no pocket) and plain black warmups (no logos, stripes, sport shirts, etc. on either). Wear some sort of athletic shoes with a decent grip (shoe color doesn’t matter) so that you won’t slip while fencing. No jewelry, watches, belt packs, etc. are allowed to be worn during training as they could get broken and present a safety hazard. Glasses can be worn, but we do recommend safety glasses if you have them; you will also want some sort of eyeglass band to make sure they stay on.
Equipment – To start historical fencing, all you will need some sort of wooden sword (waster) to practice with. Our club will often will have wasters on hand for sale to new members, but a student may begin with a wooden dowel (See “Wasters” in the Equipment Section for specifics and details regarding wasters).
Do NOT bring katanas (wooden or otherwise), bokken, or shinai because these are not tools associated with European arts and weapons, and do not bring decorative “wall-hanger” swords, sharpened swords, or anything (even wooden dowels) made of pine as these are unsafe and do not fit what we do.
Training Schedule
Signup for practice must be made before the 15th of each month.